» » Hidden Strike (2023)

Watch Hidden Strike (2023) online

Year: 2023
Time: 1h 42m
Director:Scott Waugh
Quality: 4K
Hidden Strike, the film directed by Scott Waugh, stars Luo Feng (Jackie Chan) and Chris Van Horne (John Cena), two former special forces soldiers sent to follow a mission in Iraq.
The two must escort a group of civilians traveling from Kuwait City to Baghdad's greenbelt. The route includes the crossing of the infamous "highway of death", a very dangerous stretch that leads from Kuwait to Iraq.
The two ex-soldiers are an unlikely match, Feng is rather clumsy, tends to get into trouble and Van Home is often tasked with remedying it. With these premises, the group's journey will not fail to encounter obstacles and unexpected events, which will endanger everyone's life.
Firefights and explosive assaults, which the two protagonists will have to know how to face and fight to protect and bring to their destination safe and sound all the people they are escorting...
Hidden Strike (2023)

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On our site you can watch Hidden Strike (2023) online stream in high HD 720p, Full HD 1080p, Ultra HD 4K quality. Watch the movie Hidden Strike (2023) online absolutely free. The video player is also available on the Android-powered phone and tablet (Android with HLS support), and on the iPhone / iPad (iOS). Enjoy watching!
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