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Watch Unwanted (2023) online

Year: 2023
Genre: Drama / New Movie
Time: 1h 30min
Quality: 4K
Unwanted - Hostages of the Sea is an Italian TV series created by Stefano Bises (Gomorrah: The Series, The Miracle, The New Pope, The King) taking inspiration from Bilal, the book by Fabrizio Gatti about his undercover journey among the migrants on the routes between Africa and Europe. The drama tells of a cruise ship that rescues a group of migrants and of two worlds that, always kept at a distance, find themselves colliding and rethinking the concepts of right and wrong.
The Orizzonte is a gigantic cruise ship with five thousand people on board, including passengers and crew. Full of Western tourists, during the first evening of navigation, the ship rescues twenty-eight African migrants from the sea following the sinking of their boat. For those people fleeing poverty, hunger and wars, the Horizon is salvation. For the passengers, the encounter with the castaways is a reality check that they would probably have done without. Because the migrants' discovery that the ship is headed to North Africa, from where they are fleeing, pushes them to hijack it, transforming the cruise into a theater of conflict where all the conflicts triggered by migration are unleashed.
Marco Bocci (Crime Novel, Anti-Mafia Squad) plays the ship's captain, Arrigo Benedetti Valentini, a good-looking but insecure man caught between his duty and his morals. He does everything he can to resolve the situation, but his proximity to the strength and courage of Edith (Jessica Schwarz, Biohacker) puts him in crisis. She, a stubborn German with a natural propensity for command, aspired to the role of commander, and when she thought she could do it, that she had shown that she was ready, she had to step aside to let a man pass, Valentini, who she considers to be without talent. nor character. Driven by this awareness, Edith puts herself in charge of security and tries to manage the crisis to forcibly regain control of the ship.
The rest of the series' rich international cast includes Dada Bozela, Hassan Najib, Jonathan Berlin (The Parting Line), Jason Derek Prempeh, Cecilia Dazzi (Fosca Innocenti), Francesco Acquaroli (Suburra: The Series), Barbara Auer (The Story of a Thief of books), Sylvester Groth (Dark), Marco Palvetti (Gomorrah: The Series), Denise Capezza (Baby), Nuala Peberdy, Samuel Kalambay, Amadou Mbow, Edward Asante Apeagyei (Gangs of London), Reshny Massaka, Onyinye Odokoro, Massimo De Lorenzo (Boris) and Scot Williams (Coronation Street).
Unwanted (2023)

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