» » Trigger Point (2021)

Watch Trigger Point (2021) online

Year: 2021
Country: Canada
Time: 1h 25min
Director:Brad Turner
Quality: HD
Trigger Point, directed by Brad Turner, tells the story of Nicola Shaw (Barry Pepper), a retired special agent of the US secret services, who for years has acted in the shadows, managing to track down several criminals around the world .
The man decided to retire from service due to a failed operation, in which some of his colleagues were killed. Nicolas never got over this tragic event, holding himself responsible for what happened and retiring to a house in the woods to live in complete solitude.
Two years after this episode, he is offered the chance to rehabilitate his name, joining a new team of elite agents grappling with a delicate mission: a previous colleague of his has disappeared and someone is on his trail of the Nicolas himself to kill him. To prevent a new team of young agents from being killed because of him, Nicolas must try to remember every detail of his past to get to the truth and find out if whoever wants him dead is an old enemy or a supposed friend.
Trigger Point (2021)

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On our site you can watch Trigger Point (2021) online stream in high HD 720p, Full HD 1080p, Ultra HD 4K quality. Watch the movie Trigger Point (2021) online absolutely free. The video player is also available on the Android-powered phone and tablet (Android with HLS support), and on the iPhone / iPad (iOS). Enjoy watching!
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