» » Desperados (2020)

Watch Desperados (2020) online

Year: 2020
Country: USA
Time: 1h 45min
Quality: HD
Desperados is a Netflix original film directed by LP that stars the incurable romantic Wesley (Nasim Pedrad), a woman who is sometimes a bit clumsy and in search of love. One evening, after yet another failed date, "Wes" meets the charming Jared (Robbie Amell), a charming, charismatic and rich man. For Wesley it seems to be living a dream, but suddenly her prince charming disappears, not answering either the phone calls or the woman's avalanche of messages. Five days later, drunk and desperate, Wes writes with his best friends Brooke (Anna Camp) and Kaylie (Sarah Burns) an embarrassing email in which he heavily insults Jared, but shortly after the woman receives a call from the man. , who warns her of having had an accident while in Mexico and that she is in hospital without a mobile phone, forgotten in the hotel. Wes therefore understands that Jared has not downloaded it and above all he has not read the terrible email she sent him. Supported by her friends, Wesley decides to travel to Mexico, with the aim of recovering Jared's phone and canceling her compromising message ...
Desperados (2020)

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On our site you can watch Desperados (2020) online stream in high HD 720p, Full HD 1080p, Ultra HD 4K quality. Watch the movie Desperados (2020) online absolutely free. The video player is also available on the Android-powered phone and tablet (Android with HLS support), and on the iPhone / iPad (iOS). Enjoy watching!
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