» » #Alive (2020)

Watch #Alive (2020) online

Year: 2020
Country: South Korea
Time: 1h 38min
Director:Il Cho
Quality: HD
#Alive is a Netflix Original film directed by Il Cho, which stars a young man who was stuck in his apartment during a pandemic that turns people into zombies. Joon-woo (Ah-In Yoo) is a video game enthusiast who spends his days live streaming with his friends. One day, while he is alone at home, he is urged to turn on the television and learns from the news that a highly contagious virus is rapidly turning everyone into zombies. In a short time, communications are interrupted and Joon-woo is left to himself, waiting for help that doesn't seem to arrive. After running out of supplies and taking a moment of despair, the boy records a farewell message, ready to take his own life. At that moment, a laser pointer catches the attention of Joon-woo, who discovers that he is not the only survivor in his neighborhood ...
#Alive (2020)

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On our site you can watch #Alive (2020) online stream in high HD 720p, Full HD 1080p, Ultra HD 4K quality. Watch the movie #Alive (2020) online absolutely free. The video player is also available on the Android-powered phone and tablet (Android with HLS support), and on the iPhone / iPad (iOS). Enjoy watching!
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