» » A Tale of Two Coreys (2017)

Watch A Tale of Two Coreys (2017) online

Year: 2017
Genre: Drama / New Movie
Country: USA
Time: 1h 30min
Quality: HD
Feldman (Elijah Marcano and Scott Bosely) and Haim (Justin Ellings and Casey Leach) skyrocketed to fame after meeting on the set of the blockbuster movie The Lost Boys and quickly became young Hollywood heartthrobs. They collaborated on popular comedies including License to Drive and Dream a Little Dream and basked in being Tinseltown royalty in their early teens. But as their stars rose, their lives began to quickly spin out of control with endless partying and drugs. As their fame and fortune increased, dark secrets haunted them. Young and impressionable, the actors suffered through years of sexual abuse at the hands of industry insiders. With studio offers drying up and their reputations becoming tabloid fodder, Feldman eventually turned his life around by getting sober, getting married and having a son. Haim, however, continued his downward spiral and by the time the two starred in their own reality series, The Two Coreys, not even Feldman was able to save him.
A Tale of Two Coreys (2017)

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